a private practice | 3209 S Cathay Cir | Aurora CO | 80013 all rights reserved © 2021 Elite senior care by artificial observers

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Artificial Observers are an affordable way to keep watch over our elderly.

Visiting services are scheduled by the hour, the average time spent observing the client is 4-6 hours a week. The market average of affordable services is $85 an hour. Thats $510 a week or $2040 a month for 6 hours a week. This leaves the elderly person alone (UN-observed) all the others hours. Artificial Observers are in the living space observing the “Life Pattern” of the client 24hrs a day. Starting at $3600 a year, we monitor the living space 24x7 with our trend analysis AI. They are “never alone” with monitoring. Visiting services $255 a day / Artificial Observer monitoring $9 a day The most hours a day of any service. We believe that nursing and human relations visiting services are serving a great need. They however leave the elderly client UN-observed the majority of the hours in a week. Health and Wellness trends are based on science. The number of light hours a day, when they wake and when they sleep, along with many other recorded activities are real world indicators of a clients daily condition. Our new science is a safety net never before available. Nursing/Visiting services 6 hours a week  /  Artificial Observer monitoring 168 hours a week Dependable and Accurate information. Our technology based biometric recorder has been tested in various living spaces for over 24 months. Millions of samples a month and every one perfect every time. We use an A/D input module built by one of Japans top robotics companies. Our six sensors are of scientific quality, you can trust our shown values everyday. 24hrs a day operation without errors Transparent you see in real time the output from the monitor. We are the only service with total transparency, artificial observers produce a “Life Pattern Chart” 96 times a day. The chart is uploaded to our AssistedLiving365 site every 15min and is available to all family members and care givers. You can view the chart from any device. Internet is required. Observe their living space 24 x 7, Free Advanced Artificial Intelligence program analyzing the life pattern charts for health and wellness positive and negative trends. Over two years of programing the artificial Intelligence SALBOT sibling 11, we have achieved a service of alerts we can send to family members or care givers. Our alert system is based on variations in the living space of a client. Using accepted standards for the Health and Wellness of a human being, we monitor for problems every 15min, 24hrs a day. AI SALBOT-S11 on duty  [S]imulated [A]ndroid [L]ogic [B]inary [O]bserver [T]echnology is SALBOT Advanced weekly and monthly health and wellness reports (AI generated) The SALBOT produces trend analysis reports at midnight every Sunday. You wake Monday morning with a report covering the last weeks activity and environment in a living space. Once a month a more in-depth report is added to the last weeks report. We help you watch for expected activity changes, very helpful when monitoring post surgery clients. Clear Truthful Week to Week Trend Analysis. Extreme Privacy Policy, we are a 100% identity safe and secure service. No information personal including the address of the living space is exposed. Our Live Life Pattern Charts are identified by a Digital Token Key system. This allows us to let all family members and care givers watch the live updated charts from any device for free, 24hrs a day. Safe, Secure, Trusted Technology Life Pattern recording is designed to be more accurate the longer it monitors. The more days we have charts for the more accurate the AI analysis is. Our non-invasive system adds to any living space without being noticed. Starting a biometric monitoring of a 70 year old allows us to have years of data to compare. Wellness and health issues are directly reflected in the activity trends we review. The SALBOT gets to know the clients unique patterns, by the end of the first year all of the SALBOT alerts will be fully enabled. We cover 40 life assist alerts, including when the client needs to be visited. SALBOT gets to know the client being monitored. No charges, No scheduling, No hassles to the elderly being monitored. A one time install done by our professional install team and the monitoring begins. Installs are done by appointment, you can select an install time at checkout. The family member or nursing service that orders the service is sent an annual billing. The elderly being monitored is not involved in the billing process. Quick install, Invisible operation. Cancel at anytime, no long term contracts. No long term contract required, annual billing allows you full freedom to cancel at any time. Our service is priced at the lowest price we can offer, we don’t offer discounts for buying longer periods. When you cancel the service you schedule a time to have our installers pickup the artificial observer biometric recorders. Always our lowest price even by the year. Your never wrong adding our Artificial Observer monitor to a loved ones living space.

Elite senior care by artificial observers

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In home visits + Our 24hrs monitoring = Complete protection!

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